Cape Hatteras Lighthouse ornament
SKU: 20017

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse ornament

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse ornament    Lighthouses are sources of inspiration and comfort. The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse is the tallest in the nation and a symbol of North...
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    Cape Hatteras Lighthouse ornament    Lighthouses are sources of inspiration and comfort. The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse is the tallest in the nation and a symbol of North Carolina. Its light can be seen 20 miles out to sea and warns sailors of the treacherous Diamond Shoals. Its spiral stripes have earned it the nickname of "The Big Barber Pole". This wonderful glass lighthouse ornament commemorates the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse with every detail just like the real one, including the brick base, spiral tower and the gold light shining out from the top of the lighthouse.


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